לקוחות יקרות, בסוף ספטמבר 2024 אנחנו סוגרות את החנות בהוד השרון. מוזמנות לאירוע פרידה ב 27.9 9:00-15:00. דרך מגדיאל 61 הוד השרון

Hanukkah Gift Guide - 2021

Hanukkah is a magical holiday of light and hope. We spend eight whole days
celebrating the presence of miracles in our lives and our ability to overcome

According to Kabbalistic tradition, Hanukkah opens a spiritual portal to harness the power of miracles. With it, we can rise above nature, and the impossible can become possible

For many religions, this time of year signifies a change, a new beginning, hope for the future - going from darkness to light. Hanukkah is the perfect opportunity to remember our inner light, amplify it, and let it shine out and guide us

Hanukkah is also a time of gifts. Finding the suitable surprise for someone you love can be daunting. I prepared this Hanukkah Gift Guide with ideas and inspiration - 

Faith Bracelet -

All you need is faith. It is the first and most essential step to get anywhere you want to go. Never forget to believe in your ability to achieve the unattainable, make the right choices, and spread light in places filled with darkness

Anything is possible Bracelet

The miracle of the oil cruse that lit the Jewish temple teaches us that anything is possible. This Bracelet can serve as a reminder that sometimes miracles do happen. There is always room for optimism and faith. Even in the darkest night, you can see the light, and the road ahead can always surprise us

Love Necklace

Think of Self-love as a light that burns within you, filling you to the brims and overflowing, so you spread light and love to others as well. I hope this delicate Necklace will remind you to shine bright

Let there be light Bracelet

We all possess the ability to spread light around us. We just need to remember to let it shine. The “Let there be light” Bracelet signifies that we can be the brightest light at any given moment. Sometimes we may need a reminder to send away the darkness, but we all have the power to do so

May G-d bless you and keep you safe Bracelet -
Life is filled with challenges and sometimes, everything around us feels dark and the future seems bleak. My wish for you is that Hashem will be with you like he was with the people of Israel. Like a shimmer of light that shone brightly in the darkness, a speck of hope can ignite a heart filled with faith

Heartbeat Bracelet -
There are over 2 billion heartbeats in a lifetime, yet each is special and irreplaceable.⁣ The most magical things in the world can happen in the span of one heartbeat.⁠ This Bracelet is a great gift for yourself or someone special. Show your love and remember to listen to your beat, trust yourself and follow your heart

Woman of Valor Bracelet -
She opened her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.
Eshet Hail is a woman who spreads her gifts of kindness to the world and graciously accepts the reality around her. Any woman can find within herself these beautiful qualities and become a true woman of valor


Wishing you and your family peace and light this holiday season.
May your
Hanukkah be filled with unexpected blessings.

Chag Urim Sameach! - Happy festival of light

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עדכון זמני משלוח

לקוחות יקרות, בעקבות עומס רב ומבורך על האתר אנחנו מעדכנות כי זמן המשלוח (שליח) מתעכב וייקח 6 ימי עסקים. אם המשלוח דחוף עדיף להגיע לאיסוף מהוד השרון.
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